Project management and M&E

Project management and M&E

Effective project management requires proper planning and structured overview of the different project aspects during implementation.

The use of the right M&E tools is pertinent to ensure we do not only monitor, but we evaluate and generate learnings for project improvements.

I have supported evaluations and monitoring for various projects. I also hold a certificate from University of Witswater and on Results Based Project Management : Monitoring and Evaluation.

A selection of examples of projects managed and M&E work I delivered are:

  • Consultant for Private Sector Development : Managed all project related backstopping work (including reporting, book keeping, expert oversight) for 3 GFA implemented projects in Botswana, Togo and South Africa;
  • Supported the reporting and M&E process for the work of the Tony Blair Institute in Rwanda, this includes quarterly M&E reports and stories of change development;
  • Short-term Expert Mission in Ethiopia : Worked for 3 weeks as a short-term expert in a KFW financed project on land management to train and support the team in surveying project progress and using KoboToolbox for results reporting.